Working method and approach
- Moderation, training and coaching can be highly professional without being bone-dry and boring at the same time! I aspire to use my human touch, lots of humour and flexibility in my approach in order to motivate and to initiate perception processes. Humour is a key element of successful moderation especially when handling complex and difficult projects.
- It is very important to me in my coaching work to support and develop the ability to act responsibly and take initiative. Based on my experience and my qualifications, I offer practical and process-oriented trainings, customized to individual requirements and quickly achieving results.
Extensive knowledge and experience combined with a fresh mind
- More than 24 years of professional experience as...
- Trainer (seminars, workshops and lectures)
- Coach (individual coaching, team coaching)
- Moderator (work groups, team meetings)
- Lecturer
- Professional career:
- Many years as marketing manager with management responsibility, focussing on training, moderation and presentation (German/English) as well as press and public relations and product management
- Author of articles for trade journals
- Lecturer at the dietary school of the University Gießen and
- Freelancer for the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung (German Association for Nutrition) in Frankfurt
- Master of Organizational Psychology (master course, Fern-Universität Hagen (open university))
Focal points:- Organization and team development
- Personal and interpersonal competence
- Employee development and intercultural competence
- Communications Consultant and Trainer
Focal points:- Conducting talks and discussions, clarification support, group moderation and team development (certified for Schulz von Thun, IWL*)
- Coach for Personality Development
by applying emotional intelligence and self-guidance
(DBVC** certified by Dietz Training und Partner) - Stress Management Trainer
(BEST*** certificate) - Certified Trainer and Consultant for the DISG Personality Profile (persolog®)
IWL: Institut für wissenschaftliche Lehrmethoden Seminare GmbH – institute for scientific teaching methods
DBVC: Deutscher Bundesverband Coaching e.V. - German coaching association
BEST: Bundesverband für Entspannungspädagogik und Stressmanagementtraining e.V. - federal association for relaxation and stress management training